Srilanka We should stood against any bid to curtail our rights
Protest is how we stand up to power, tackle injustice and protect our rights. It is a core pillar of our democracy. When we are side-lined and cut out of other routes to justice, protest is how we ensure our voices are heard.
In recent weeks thousands have headed to the streets to stand up against government brutality and systematic racism. Those who marched asserted the right to protest at a time when it is under grave and dangerous threat.Not only have the authorities been using the laws to clamp down on protest.
One of the recent example , Police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse Samagi Jana Bala Wegaya (SJB) protestors near the public library 30th January 2024 & attacked Students of Kalaniya University while peacefully protesting on 29th January 2024.
Any police or Government action that undermines the right to protest right is a dangerous step that threatens our liberty and democracy. It is the Government’s responsibility to protect life, it is also its duty to protect and uphold the right to protest.But in Srilanka authorities using the laws to clamp down on protest.When a protest is about the failure of the government to protect our lives equally.

The bitter truth is that authoritarian attacks on protest are nothing new in Srilanka . Recent years have seen alarming moves to erode the right to protest and stifle dissent. It is time for that to stop.It is the Government’s responsibility to ensure the right to protest right is protected and upheld.
Liberty was founded in protest. We were created to protect this right from police repression.People in Srilanka We should stood against any bid to curtail our rights. We will continue to uphold this right for everyone, to ensure that in the face of injustice and oppression, we can all have our voices heard and stand up to power.