Sri Lanka feels the need for a Presidential Election much stronger than ever before. This is because, from the perception of the outside world, this could be Sri Lanka’s last chance to escape from a debt-ridden situation and offer a ray of hope to both the youth, who have never voted before, and the children, who are still teenagers and attending school. From Sri Lankan point of view, we still see the slave-like mentality of adults, who wish to trade their vote for favours from politicians.
People in Sri Lanka tend to talk about potential that election candidates have to attract crowds rather than what they can do given they emerge the victor.
As 40 candidates saw deposits being made in their names by representatives of their parties or alliances. The next stage set in the run-up to the elections is the conforming of the candidates to facilitate drawing up of the final list before the ballot papers go into print. The confirmation process of the candidates’ names set to take place tomorrow.
Unlike during the past three Presidential Elections, this time around, the battle for presidency is three-pronged. Unless people know the subtle perceptions or working in politics, they might see individuals (election candidates) with tiny personalities being enlarged through propaganda works to look like giants. This happened at the last Presidential Elections- conducted by the Election Commission of Sri Lanka- which was won by Gotabaya Rajapakse. How shallow this person’s thinking runs was exposed in no uncertain terms when people started to work with him after regime was formed.
This is much concern regarding the large number of presidential candidates, for whom monies have been deposited. Critics have pointed out that some of them could be proxies who have been drawn into the race for presidency to support other former MPs who are contesting this election.
The incumbent president is promoting his ideologies, despite the bright vision has for the country, we still see no attempt being made by the incumbent to eradicate corruption and questionable practices.
Wickramesinghe’s election campaign where there are accusations that state resources are being used. When state resources are used, it does not help create a level playing field for all election candidates. Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) has shown concern regarding Wickramesinghe confirming the LKR 1,700 daily wage for estate workers through a gazette notification. TISL affirms that the move by Wickramesinghe amounts to misuse of public resources.
Adding to election woes, the Election Commission has received over 300 complaints of election related violence since the date of election related violence since the date for the poll was declared.
There was a classic post on Facebook recently. said that unsuspecting people fall for the trap when politicians donate them five kilos rice last for about five days these law makers think they have made a worthwhile investment to garner their votes for next five years. If only we can read the minds of these law makers!