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Rajapaksha & his close ally Found guilty of Bankrupting Srilanka should be confiscated

 The properties of the persons who have been found guilty by the court for bankrupting the country should be investigated and they should be confiscated.

 The Supreme Court’s decision that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, former President Gotabhaya, Rajapaksa’s former Minister of Finance Basil Rajapaksa and seven others are responsible for the collapse of the country’s economy.

  • Last year, Sri Lanka grappled with its worst economic crisis since independence as US Dollar shortages and shrinking reserves, together with an infamous organic fertiliser policy, led to crop failures and severe shortages of food and fuel.
  • People took to the streets to protest, eventually forcing a change in leadership as the economy nearly came to a halt and inflation surged. The protests led to resignation of former President Gotabaya Rajapakse and long-term politician Ranil Wickramesinghe being appointed the new President.

At present, the opposition has proposed to the parliament that the civic rights of those seven people should be abolished.

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