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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts of the system and expound.

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The convener of the Inter University Student’s Federation, Wasantha Mudalige has been detained by Sri Lankan Authorities since 18 August 2022. On 21 August, authorities issued a Detention Order under the draconian anti-terror law, the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) to detain them for 90 days,amidst an ongoing crackdown on protesters by the authorities. Their families are concerned about their safety and worsening health as they continue to be detained without charge or trial under suspicion of acts of “terror” for. The Inter University Student’s Federation (IUSF) was one of the groups thatmobilised large numbers to the streets and its convener, Wasantha Mudalige,was among the most prominent protest leaders. His detention under thePrevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) sparked widespread outrage, nationwide signature campaign had been launched calling for Wasantha’s release The aim is to have one thousand affidavits submitted to court . Right groups say that authorities used extraordinary powers to keep Wasantha Mudalige in detention without producing evidence of his involvement in terrorism.