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Nationwide Power Outage Plunges Sri Lanka into Darkness

In significant revelation, initial data indicates that lightning strikes on the Kothmale to Biyagama transmission line were responsible for the island-wide power breakdown experienced yesterday (9th December), according to a spokesperson for the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) .

The sudden and widespread power outage affected various regions, leading to disruptions in daily activities and services During today’s parliament session, State Minister of Power and Energy Indika Anuruddha announced that two separate inquiries would be conducted by the Ministry of Power and Energy and the CEB to investigate the root causes of the power breakdown.

The CEB had earlier attributed the major power outages to a breakdown in the transmission line from Kothmale to Biyagama, disrupting the flow of electricity across the island. The impact extended beyond the electricity sector, affecting water supply in several areas. The National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB) managed to restore water supply in affected localities within a few hours, alleviating concerns about prolonged water shortages.Despite the power outages, the Railways Department reported that the train operation remained unaffected,demonstrating a level of resilience in critical transportation infrastructure.In response to the situation, the Mahaweli Authority opened several sluice gates of reservoirs. This action was taken to manage water levels amid the challenges posed by the power breakdown.The incident marks a recurrence of significant power outages in the country.The current investigation into the specific circumstances surrounding this latest incident and identify measures to enhance the resilience of the power infrastructure.

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