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Why is it important for a healthy democracy to have an informed and active citizenry in Srilanka

Having an informed and active citizenry is crucial for a healthy democracy due to the following reasons:

1. Effective Decision-Making: In a democracy, citizens have the power to elect representatives and participate in decision-making processes. An informed citizenry ensures that decisions are based on accurate information, diverse perspectives, and a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand. When citizens are well-informed, they can make better choices about policies, laws, and candidates, leading to more effective governance.

2. Accountability and Transparency: An informed citizenry holds the government accountable for its actions. When citizens are knowledgeable about their rights, responsibilities, and the workings of the government, they can demand transparency and challenge any potential abuses of power. Informed citizens are more likely to scrutinise government actions, engage in public discourse, and actively participate in oversight mechanisms, such as elections, to ensure that elected officials act in the best interests of the people.

3. Safeguarding Against Authoritarianism: Informed citizens act as a safeguard against the rise of authoritarianism. With access to accurate information and critical thinking skills, citizens can recognise and resist attempts to undermine democratic principles, such as freedom of speech, independent media, and the rule of law. An active citizenry is more likely to defend democratic institutions, support checks and balances, and prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a few.

4. Social Cohesion and Empathy: Informed citizens are better able to understand and empathise with different perspectives, leading to increased social cohesion. By being knowledgeable about various societal issues, citizens can engage in constructive dialogue, find common ground, and work towards solutions that benefit the entire society. Informed citizens are more likely to respect diversity, promote inclusivity, and seek social justice, fostering a more cohesive and inclusive democracy.

5. Effective Participation and Representation: An active citizenry ensures that the voices of all individuals are heard and represented in the democratic process. Informed citizens are more likely to engage in civic activities, such as voting, volunteering, advocacy, and community organising. Their active participation strengthens democratic institutions, enhances political legitimacy, and ensures that policies and laws reflect the diverse needs and aspirations of the population.

In summary, an informed and active citizenry is essential for a healthy democracy as it promotes effective decision-making, holds the government accountable, safeguards against authoritarianism, fosters social cohesion, and ensures inclusive participation and representation. By encouraging and supporting an informed and active citizenry, societies can strengthen their democratic foundations and work towards a more just and equitable future.

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