Sri Lankans flock to capital Colombo to participate in the Aragalaya , people’sstruggle against government

Media attention around the world is currently taken in by the happenings in Sri Lanka. Prolonged political tensions have culminated in the people’s uprising of July 9 , Large numbers of protesters gathered at the President’s official residence at Chatham Street, Colombo, Temple Trees, Prime Minister’s Office, private residence of Prime Minister. By July 9 , there was virtually no fuel in the county, public transport had ground to a standstill and on the evening before, the chief of police declared an illegal “police curfew “ in a desperate attempt to discourage protesters. Despite these many obstacles, from early Saturday morning people began streaming into the capital Colombo from all part of county Thousands thronged railway stations and others walked, cycled, road on lorries. By mi-day hundreds of thousands had gathered in the vicinity of the Presidential Secretariat in the heart of Colombo, a site where, Gotagogama is established, The protest movement. Following pitched street clashes between the protesters and the police and the armed forces in which protesters were beaten up and multiple rounds of teargas fired, the Presidential Secretariat, President’s official residence and the prime minister’s office and residence were literally and symbolic ‘taken’ by the people. There were ecstatic scenes as people swarmed the Presidential Palace and office with some even jumping into the swimming pool and images and video footage of the ‘Triumph’ circulating widely on social media- a medium that played a vital role in mobilising and sustaining the protest movement Aragalaya.
On 11 July, the Speaker of Parliament claimed that the President had left the
country and would return by Wednesday
On 13 July, President fled to the Maldives with his wife and two bodyguards. He fled, as making the resignation within the country would end his presidential immunity. As a result, his resignation was made while outside of Sri Lanka, removing the risk of him being detained. The Speaker of Parliament announced in the afternoon that President Rajapakse appointed Prime Minister as a Acting President in his absence.
On 14 July, protesters, from Galle Face Greene announced in a press conference that the protesters who had stormed and occupied the Presidential Palace and the Prime minister’s office would withdraw from such a properties and hand them over to the state, except Galle Face Greene, where the Protesters would continue their right to protest. Protests peacefully
withdrew from the Presidential Official House, Temple Trees, and the Prime Minister’s office. On 15 July, the Speaker of Parliament announced the resignation of President Rajapakse The news of his resignation was celebrated by the public mainly at Galle Face Greene and around the country. The 9 July protest highlighted the growing importance of civil society in shaping the nation’s future. The protest served as a reminder that the voices of the people cannot be ignored and that their demands for change must be taken seriously.

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