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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts of the system and expound.

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“Aragalaya” Sri Lanka is riding the waves of revolutionary change 2022

Sri Lanka is riding the waves of revolutionary change 2022 :

For the first time, irrespective of race, religion, or social class , Sri Lankans are collectively protesting against the growing hardships inflicted by the worst economic crisis the country faces since independence. Everyday life has become increasingly difficult. We must start by understanding what has triggered it, It an immediate sense. People are responding to severe political malpractice and economic mismanagement by the current government. 

People who have been experiencing economic difficulties with the onset of the pandemic, began protesting across the country in a more militant way against the skyrocketing prices of goods including the doubling of the price of petrol, rice and bread-and the emergence of long queues due to the shortage of supplies, in which several people died while standing in the scorching heat. Ordinary citizens have been infuriating by continued extravagances of politicians and their families.
Frustration peaked in March , as pockets of people across the island took to the streets to voice dissent against the government. On the night of 31 March, hundreds of protesters swarmed and attempted to enter President’s private residence in Mirihana, suburb of Colombo. Subsequently, protesters began gathering in various parts of the country, most visibly at the the seaside location of Galle Face Greene, in the heart of Colombo.