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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts of the system and expound.

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Sri Lankans workers have gone on strike in defiance of a government ban to protest against a rescue plan for the bankrupt island nation, forcing the closure of some hospitals, banks and ports. President Wickramesinghe is facing a public backlash over steep tax hikes.
  • About 40 trade unions, including government hospital staff and bank employees, stopped work on a day protest.
  • Electricity workers and bank tellers were also on strike while dock workers staged lunch time protest at the capital’s port.
  • President Wickramesinghe used his executive powers to effectively outlaw strikes by compelling “essential services “ to remain at work, government workers defying the order risk losing their jobs.
  • Hundreds of government workers wore black clothes and arm bands and flew black flag outside state buildings.
  • Most were the bank across the country were closed for the day as bank unions joint the strike, and government hospitals were hot ad nurses staged a four- hour strike and doctors joined demonstration.