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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts of the system and expound.

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+0989 7876 9865 9


Global Sri Lankan Communities Rally in Solidarity with Protest Movement in Sri Lanka 2022 In 2022, Sri Lanka witnesses a wave of protests that captivate the nation and reverberate across international borders. The protesters sparked by deep-rooted socio-political issues, drew attention from Sri Lankan Communities around the world. In an unprecedented display of Solidarity, Sri […]

Inter University Student’s Federation Joins the people’s struggle protests

Sri Lanka witnesses a significant wave of of protests demanding social justice, political accountability, and economic reforms. Among the prominent voices joining the people’s struggle are the students of Sri Lanka’s universities, united uunder the banners of the Inter University Student’s Federation (IUSF). With their unwavering , determination and commitment to change, the IUSF plays […]

Sri Lankans mount worldwide protests to raise awareness about the ongoing issues

Sri Lankans Expatriates Support for Protests , “Aragalaya “ The year 2022 marks a turning point in Sri Lanka’s history, with the outbreak of widespread protests against various socio-political issues. While the situation called for urgent action, the support extended by Sri Lankan expatriates around the world, in cities across Europe , Australia, United States, […]

“Get up, Stand up”

Notes from the Field:  April 2022 Protests continued 10 ,11 April despite heavy rain . Moment after performing “Get up, Stand up” to encourage the protesters at Galle Face, by one of well known artist . On 12 April, Celebrities joined the protests in Gotagogama to support the youth protesters to dethrone the government from […]

“Aragalaya” Sri Lanka is riding the waves of revolutionary change 2022

Sri Lanka is riding the waves of revolutionary change 2022 : For the first time, irrespective of race, religion, or social class , Sri Lankans are collectively protesting against the growing hardships inflicted by the worst economic crisis the country faces since independence. Everyday life has become increasingly difficult. We must start by understanding what […]